Sinus Infections & Pressure
What Is Sinusitis?
The term sinusitis refers to inflammation of the sinus lining. This inflammation can be associated with infection (viral, bacterial or fungal), genetic factors or airborne allergens.
In many cases this swelling causes a structural blockage at the sinus opening, preventing normal mucus drainage. When sinuses cannot freely drain, it can lead to many uncomfortable symptoms we associate with sinus problems.

Symptoms of Sinusitis
Facial pain, pressure and fullness
Nasal congestion or blockage
Thick, discolored nasal or post-nasal discharge
Decreased or lost sense of smell and/or taste
Swelling over the face or around the eyes
Sore throat from excessive drainage
Types of Sinusitis
How Can Metro Sinus Help?
We are experts at getting to the root of your problem efficiently and accurately. After your physician obtains a history and performs a physical exam, we may recommend additional treatment and/or specialized diagnostic testing such as in-office CT scanning, nasal endoscopy or allergy testing. All steps taken are designed to get you closer to an accurate diagnosis–and a treatment plan or intervention that can be expected to bring lasting relief.
Learn more about balloon sinus dilation and the many other personalized and permanent office-based solutions Metro Sinus expertly delivers each and every day.