In-Office Eustachian Tube Solutions

When Metro Sinus Can Help

The Eustachian tube is a partially collapsable, membranous tube that connects the back of the nasal airway to the air-filled space behind the eardrum (known as the middle ear space). Normally the tube opens temporarily with swallows and yawns, equalizing pressure behind the eardrum with that of the outside world.

When the Eustachian tube orifice (its opening in the back of the nose) becomes inflamed, it can swell fully shut for days, weeks or months. Negative pressure then builds up behind the eardrum, creating a vacuum effect that can pull fluid into the middle ear space from the surrounding tissue. Patients with middle ear effusions (fluid behind the eardrum) experience muffled hearing and pressure, and severe pain can result if the fluid becomes infected.

Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) is usually treated with nasal sprays and steroids to reduce swelling around the tube’s opening to the back of the nasal cavity. When medical treatment fails to improve the pressure and/or hearing loss caused by ETD, the physicians of Metro Sinus can help you find lasting relief.

Eustachian Tube Anatomy

What Is Balloon Dilation of the Eustachian Tube?

Balloon dilation of the Eustachian tube (BDET) is a bloodless endoscopic in-office procedure designed to re-establish normal Eustachian tube function. It utilizes a thin, flexible balloon catheter (similar to what is used during BSD) to dilate and permanently remodel the obstructed portion of the Eustachian tube where it arises from the back of the nasal cavity.

BDET is performed under local anesthesia via a numbing gel applied to the nasal cavity and ET opening. No needles or injections are necessary. The catheter is then gently advanced into the first portion of the Eustachian tube, the balloon is inflated for 2 minutes, then deflated and removed. There is mild pressure, little to no pain, and no recovery time or restrictions.

The procedure has a 10+ year history of safety and efficacy. Studies have shown BDET to provide permanent clinical improvement in the large majority of patients with very few risks or downsides.

How Balloon Dilation Works

Eustachian Tube Dilation FAQs