In-Office Sinus Solutions
When Metro Sinus Can Help
Chronic and recurrent sinusitis can have an outsized effect on your quality of life. It’s never normal to spend much of your life with facial pain or pressure, nasal congestion and drainage–or in the urgent care waiting room to get another round of antibiotics.
Fortunately, Metro Sinus specializes in all of the minimally-invasive technologies and procedures proven to improve your sinus-related quality of life.

Balloon Sinus Dilation (Balloon Sinuplasty®)
Balloon sinus dilation (also known as Balloon Sinuplasty® or BSD) is the cornerstone of modern sinusitis treatment for many patients. This technology was FDA-approved in 2005, and boasts a long track record of safety and successful outcomes.
The goal of BSD is to restore sinus wellness through permanently improved drainage and airflow. It offers the primary benefits of traditional endoscopic sinus surgery without the prolonged healing, discomfort and recovery patients have come to associate with the procedure. Most patients feel benefit immediately following the procedure and have very minimal downtime.
Balloon Sinuplasty FAQs
Propel® Steroid-Eluting Sinus Implants
Chronic sinusitis is predominantly an inflammatory disease. It is this inflammation that is responsible for the symptoms we most associate with sinus problems, such as nasal congestion, facial pain and pressure, post-nasal drip and an altered sense of smell.
When chronic sinusitis cannot be controlled with medication, procedural interventions such as balloon sinus dilation (BSD) can help dramatically. Studies have shown, however, that reducing post-procedure inflammation is an essential part of obtaining the very best post-procedural outcomes and reducing the need for future interventions.
Propel® implants are a safe and low-impact method of delivering anti-inflammatory medication to the sinus tissue directly. With Propel®, a steroid is delivered only where it’s needed–with no absorption into the bloodstream.